Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Itineraries / Greek Collection: gemstones

Stratified agate with Harpocrates' figure

The glyptics production, starting from the second century AD, is now destined for a mass consumption; the iconographic repertoire, which is also inspired by the contemporary coin coinages, adopts new subjects, although many of them, in particular divinities and personifications, being monotonously repeated, in a rough and simplified style.

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Beside common pantheon's gods minors gods strat to have more importance, also other figure as eastern gods, as Harpocrates, which is on this agate. He is the son of Isis and Serapis,adapted by the Greeks from the Egyptian child Horus. In fact is represented as a child or a boy while is bringing his finger to the mouth. In the agate the god is looking to the right, he has a cornucopia in the right hand and a halfmoon above his head.

Provenance: unknow
Datation: 2nd century AD
Material: white, light blue and brown agate
Dimensions: mm 15,3 x 12 x 3
Inventory #: Gl 47

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Exhibition rooms | Rooms V and VI - Greek collection