Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Itineraries / Greek Collection: gemstones

Plasma with Athena

Already in the first century BC there is a real transformation in the processing of gems: the use of engraved stones is even more extends also to the popular classes, favored by a higher production but with a poorer quality. The decorative motifs lose originality and are repeated in series on numerous examples, as in the case of the representations of divinities, often made with approximate carvings.

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This stone with Athena, standing and dressing a chiton and a crest, is part of repetitive numbers of replicas. She has a Victory on his left hand, and with the right is leaning on the shield. The iconography refers to the Fidia's Athena Parthenos, which was in the Pathenon in Athen.


Provenance: Universitary Collection
Datation: 1st century AD
Material: plasma
Dimensions: mm 12,3 x 8,6 x 4,4
Inventory #: Gl 248

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Exhibition rooms | Rooms V and VI - Greek collection