Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Itineraries / Greek Collection: gemstones

Stratified burnt agate with Serapis figure

The cult of Serapis, Greek-Egyptian god, spread in the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean, penetrating in Rome at the end of the second century BC and proving a particular following in the imperial age.

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Serapis is th egod of underworld, but he also has thaumaturgical power.; he is depicted as Zeus sitting on a throne, holding a shaft on his right hand and his left hand towards Cerbero, that can we recognize by three heads, down his feets. On his head a a basket called modium, a dry corn measure.

Provenance: University Collection (formerly part of the Aldrovandi Collection)
Datation: 1st century AD
Material: stratified burnt agate
Dimensions: mm 13,6 x 11 x 4
Inventory #: Gl 142

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Exhibition rooms | Rooms V and VI - Greek collection