Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Ricerca / Greek Collection: Italiot red-figure pottery

Lucanian red-figure amphora (néstoris)

It was probably in the Lucan area that arose the first workshops for the red-figure vases production in Magna Graecia; Indeed, in Metaponto, archaeological excavations have brought to light the furnaces of a workshop in activity from the middle of the 5th century BC.

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However in the 380 BC great part of the lucanian vessels were found in the hinterland, proving a movement of the workshops. During 5th century BC the range of shapes decreases and decoration themes are about mythologic and funerary subject, floreal and ornamentl motifs.  
Most of the production is between 360 and 320 BC, the same period of Neapolis Painter 1959, probably who decorated this amphora. Typical of his workshops are male figures with a big chest and women wearing sleeveless chitons with belts.

Provenance: Palagi Collection
Datation: Second half of 4th century BC Naples Painter 1959
Material: clay
Dimensions: heigth cm 28
Inventory #: G 318 (PU 492)

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Exhibition rooms | Rooms V and VI - Greek collection