Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
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Collections / Ricerca / Greek Collection : Attic red-figure pottery

Attic red-figure volute krater with Eos and Kephalos

The crater, container provided with a very wide mouth and large body, was designed to contain the wine, that Greeks never consumed pure but mixed with water and honey as well. The shape of this crater is characterized by the handles, which end on the brink of the vase in spiral curls.

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On the main side there is Eos, dawn's personification, while is chasing Kephalos, grabbing his arm. According to the myth, because of Afrodite's revenge, Eos has to fall in love with mortal men sadly. To succeed in seducing the young Kephalos, Eos was forced to kidnap him and bring him in Siria, where had his baby, Fetonte. But soon, Kephalos became tired of the goddess and decide to come back home, to his wife Procri.

Provenance: Orvieto. Univeristy Collection
Datation: 480 - 460 BC Syriskos Painter
Material: clay
Dimensions: height cm 44
Inventory #: G 259 (PU 283)

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Exhibition rooms | Rooms V and VI - Greek collection