Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
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Collections / Ricerca / Greek Collection : Attic red-figure pottery

Attic red-figure pelike

This amphora, with the peculiar potbellied shape, depicts two conversation scenes. On the main side a cloaked ephebe, leaning on a stick, offers a flower to a girl sitting in front of him. From the young mouth comes out a written, disposed between the two figures: E PAIS KALE.

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On the other side there is a similar scene: a young man is talking with a man with a cloak and a stick. The firt brings a lyra, a musical instrument. Usually lyra's representation suggests musical education of the main character. As on the main side, there is an inscription between the figures: KALOS O PAIS.

Provenance: Greece, Athens. Palagi Collection
Datation: 500 - 470 BC Douris mine
Material: clay
Dimensions: height cm 38,7
Inventory #: G 258 (PU 278)

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Exhibition rooms | Rooms V and VI - Greek collection