Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Ricerca / Roman Bologna: the stones speak. The crafts

Profession's stela

Arched sandstone stele, indicating the burial of four people: three freedmen and one ingenuus, and including a woman: C. Volusius Iucundus, Heidia Auge, Q. Baebius, ingenuus, without last name and first name equal to patronymic, and L. Tettius Philarg (urus).

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The inscription talks about four deads, three freedsmen and amn ingenuus, of different families, so with no degree of kinship, which decide to hve a comon funerary monument in life. Perhaps Volusius and Heidia were married and the others were in a friendship. 
The man named tabularius was a an archivist or accountant who wotrked for public or private administration. The faber lapidarius was a hewer or a chisel, and the caligarius the shoemaker, from the word caligae, soldier's  and lower class shoes.

Provenance: Bologna, "Reno's Wall"
Datation: 1st century AD
Material: Sandstone
Dimensions: height cm 215,9; width cm 61,5; depth 3,4
Bibliography: CIL XI, 6838
Inventory #: 19124

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