Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Via de' Musei 8 – 40124 Bologna
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Collections / Ricerca / Greek Collection: sculpture

Head of Orpheus

The sculpture depicts a young man with long hair, tight just above the forehead by a drawstring ribbon, whose face is unfortunately lacking for most of the right side, removed following a net vertical fracture.

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The head is identified with Orpheus, a roman replic of the statue of the mythological character, created by Dionysus of Argo around 460 BC for a donary in Olimpia. It's similar to a statue, now in the Munich's Glyptothek, one of the most replica of the argive artist's sculptures.

Provenance: University Collection (formerly part of the Marsili Collection)
Datation: 1st century BC
Material: basanite
Dimensions: height cm 20,8
Inventory #: G 1059

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Exhibition rooms | Room VII - Greek and Roman sculpture