
International museum and
library of music of Bologna

Library / Services / Consultation


In order to access the library's services, the visitors must deliver a valid ID at the entrance, which will be returned at the exit after signing the attendance register.
The consultation requests are presented to the distribution staff by filling out and signing the form clearly and legibly.
It is possible to request up to 3 works at one time.
The users can use their laptop through the appropriate points of connection on the table of the reading room.


The reference books (encyclopaedias, bibliographic repertories, thematic catalogues, library catalogues, dictionaries, etc.) that are present on the open shelves in the reading room are directly accessible for consultation.


In order to request material prior to 1901, you must register at the distribution counter by showing a valid identification.
The requests are presented to the distribution operator by filling out and signing the special white form clearly and legibly.
Any time that facsimile, microfilm, or Xerox copies of the ancient material are available, they will be provided in place of the original.
In the event of a particular need to consult the original document, the request must be presented to the librarian by a special form, which the librarian will use to evaluate the reasons for the request and to decide whether or not to give the authorization.
For every original work supplied, the operator will register the details of the requested material on the visitor's personal form. Every registration will need to be checked and signed by the visitor.

WARNINGS: for the consultation of ancient material only the use of pencil is allowed (the use of pens, markers, highlighters, etc. is forbidden).
For a correct consultation, the visitor can use the available book-rests and other useful reading tools, which can be retrieved from the operator.
When necessary, the staff will be able to supply the visitor with disposable gloves or neutral Ph paper in order to protect the volume.


Requests are presented to the distribution operator by filling out and signing the special white form clearly and legibly.
Microfilm and microfiches are distributed to the visitor by the operator who will insert them in the appropriate machines and will provide the necessary explanation on how to use them.


For consulting documents on display in the museum room, or musical instruments, paintings and other objects belonging to the museum collections, it is mandatory to make a reservation by filling out the specific request form to be sent to prenotazionibibliotecamusica@comune.bologna.it. Upon acceptance of the request, an e-mail will be sent to agree on the date for consultation.

For consultation of Section XX, property of Museum of Music, you must contact the library of the Conservatory of music G.B. Martini, Piazza Rossini 2, Bologna - tel. +39 051 221483.

More info

tel +39 051 2757713
fax +39 051 2757728