Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Ricerca / Bologna in prehistory

Two daggers, Eneolithic

In northern Italy, the start of the Copper Age or Eneolithic Period is datable between 3500 and 3000 BC.
The introduction of metalworking still had few consequences during this phase. Metal weapons and ornaments were made as status symbols, whereas everyday implements continued to be crafted from stone, wood and bone.
Other technological innovations introduced during the Eneolithic had a far greater impact: the animal-drawn plough, the cart and the exploitation of the secondary products of the breeding of cattle, goats and sheep (milk and wool), thanks to the selection of breeds with long fleece and those suitable for milking.

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These two exceptional daggers, probably grave goods, are distinguished by careful biface workmanship on the entire surface. The daggers probably had handles: a wooden element served as a grip and was fastened to the flint blade with animal tendons. Since the blades do not show any trace of wear, the daggers were probably ceremonial objects.

Provenance: Ozzano dell'Emilia, Monte Armato, Bosco del Querciolo (Bologna); San Lazzaro di Savena, Croara, Podere Calari (Bologna)
Datation: Eneolithic (3000–2300 BC)
Material: Flint
Dimensions: lenght cm 6, 9 e cm 18,8
Inventory #: 468, 469

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Exhibition rooms | Room I - Prehistoric section