
International museum and
library of music of Bologna

10 reasons for an unforgettable visit / Ricerca / International museum and library of music

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10 results in 2 pages 12

Museums: Itineraries |
Figaro is here (and only here...)

The Opera in 19th century and the Barbiere di Siviglia by Rossini

How is a masterpiece ? In room 7, the Museum preserves the autograph manuscript of The Barbiere di Siviglia, where Rossini for the first time he wrote his most famous…

Museums: Itineraries |
Which way you play?

The musical instruments collection

The Buccin is a curious instrument in the shape of a dragon, but it is not the most strange of our collection: what to say then Harmony of flutes, that…

Museums: Itineraries |
Not just Stradivari

Otello Bignami violin maker in Bologna

Already in 1400, Bologna was the city of the violin makers. Before the famous lutes ( you will find a whole family in room 5), then the violins , with…

Museums: Itineraries |
The frescoes of Palazzo Sanguinetti

The decorated rooms of the Museum of music

But even just a walk in the museum is an incredible experience. The museum is in Palazzo Sanguinetti, whose frescoed rooms are a veritable catalog of neoclassical decoration between the…

10 results in 2 pages 12