Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Ricerca / Etrusco-Italic collection

Group of thin-walled pots (bucchero sottile)

The word “bucchero” indicates a type of turned pottery, fired with a unique process that left the item surface evenly black and lustrous. This type of pottery is typically Etruscan and was widely exported around the Mediterranean basin. Production began in Caere (Cerveteri) in about 675 BC and spread rapidly to other southern towns like Veio, Tarquinia and Vulci.

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The most frequent objects are linked to the consumption of wine (jugs, cups, goblets) or to body care (unguentaria, pyxes), suggesting that initially, at least, these were luxury pots intended for aristocrats.
The specimens shown here, all with thin walls and geometric graffiti or fan decoration, are part of an older production.


Provenance: From Chiusi or unknown provenance. Palagi Collection and Banzi donation
Datation: 7th century BC
Material: Bucchero

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Exhibition rooms | Room VIII - Etrusco-Italic collection